This month we were able to raise an amazing £10,819.36 to be donated to our Carnival UK Charity Partner, Southampton City Farm.

The funds were raised by our Guests from unclaimed currency found on board our ships.

“It’s a great pleasure to share that the donation will save the charity in such a challenging time. They’re fighting for survival at the moment with numerous crowdfunding campaigns and still continuing to work with so many vulnerable people in our local community despite their own vulnerable position.”

Kara Goodland, Charity Partner Coordinator

Despite a challenging year, funds raised for Southampton City Farm by Carnival UK now stand at £21,844.

“I am blown away by the news – what a great start to the year!”

Russell Farley, Farm Manager

Want to find out what’s been happening at the farm recently and how they’ve had to adapt? Follow Southampton City Farm on Facebook.

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