This week we hear from Silverio, Officer Steward on board Queen Victoria. Silverio joined the ship in February in San Antonio, Chile and started his career at sea in May 2012 onboard Queen Elizabeth. Due to the operational pause, and as part of the essential manning, he’s been re-assigned as a Housekeeping Utility and his daily duties involve working in public and crew areas during the day or when working on nights.

Currently Silverio is a member of a team of three and each Saturday they all work in the Main Laundry to assist with the processing of the linen. On Sundays Silverio and his colleagues water all the plants on board to ensure they remain healthy whilst there’s no Florist on board.

This is my ‘A Day in the Life of Silverio, Housekeeping Utility…’

7:30        I meet my colleagues in the Lido Buffet for breakfast where we have a catch up about the evening before and news from home.

8:00        My day starts with a muster with Maria, Housekeeping Manager, and then we begin with our duties which include rounds of the launderettes, pantries, offices and sanitising the public areas and toilets.

9:30        I then go with my colleagues, Aldrich and Ruben, to change bed linen as well as some cleaning in staterooms occupied by the Officers.

12:00     I go with my work colleagues to the Lido Buffet where we have lunch together and catch up about the events of the morning.

12:30     We continue with our duties which include sanitising the lifts, launderettes, toilets and pantries.

13:00     Aldrich, Rueben and I report to Maria for details of tasks which have to be completed during the afternoon. Our weekly task list will include flushing toilets, showers and hand basin taps on the whole ship. This is part of our Public Health requirements to keep the ship a safe environment.

We’re also currently cleaning all cabins which were occupied during the time when we were the mother ship for the repatriation of all the rest of world crew from our CUK fleet.

15:00     I make my way to the Lido Buffet with my two work colleagues to have a well deserved cup of coffee.

15:15     My  colleagues and I complete the task of ensuring that the items which are placed in Guest staterooms and suites such as example kettles, mugs, bathroom glasses, luggage mats and champagne glasses, are carefully stored in staterooms assigned for storage so we’re fully prepared for when we enter service again.

17:00     I finish work for the day and head back to my cabin to surf the Internet and watch the Filipino channel on the ship’s television.

18:00     The Lido Buffet is open for dinner and I meet members of the Housekeeping team for our evening meal.

19:00     We make our way to the Winter Garden to play a game of chess and, if we’re feeling a little more energetic, we’ll make our way to the baggage area and play a game of table tennis. On Halloween we had the opportunity to dress up and also had a pumpkin carving completion which I entered.

21:00     After an evening of relaxation with my colleagues and friends I return to my cabin, drop dirty uniforms off at the laundry, play my music and then have a hot shower. I then take the opportunity to video call my wife, Mary Grace, and my son Sebastian who is one and catch up on their day at home, as well ass tell them my news from the ship.

23:00    I pray before I go to sleep.

Being part of the operational pause team with minimum manning is very challenging and a lot of hard work. As a team we have learnt in the Housekeeping Department to be more independent in our working environment.

At the beginning of December I will return home to my wife and son in the Philippines and I’m looking forward to spending Christmas and New Year with them.

Next week look out for an update from Captain Wells, Master of Queen Mary 2.

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