A winter favourite, the Great British Bake Off was back on our screens this month, inspiring many of us to test our baking skills and try out some new recipes.

Inspired by the show, Britannia recently started hosting their own version for ship’s company too – The great Britannia bake off! Here’s how they got on in week one.

Week one – Scones and Cupcakes

A big thank you to the team behind the event on board and the production of the latest great Britannia bake off video. 

Stay tuned for week two as ship’s company try their hand at Battenburg.

Bake your own fruit scones

Inspired by the Britannia team? Try your hand at making your own fruit scones, recipe courtesy of Cunard’s Nick Oldroyd, Executive chef.

We’d love to see some of your bakes! Don’t forget to share them on Instagram and tag us @CarnivalUKComms

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1 Comment

  1. Michelle Harradence on

    Well done everyone! Great to see some familar faces, my last contract onboard was on Britannia and this has made me miss you all!

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