We’re pleased to announce that today we’re one step closer to cruising! The framework to help cruise lines restart operations in a Covid-secure way has been published by the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), after receiving support from the UK Government.

“Our cruise industry has been hit hard by Covid-19 and the government has worked alongside the sector to prepare for a safe and successful restart. This industry framework puts passengers and workers at its heart and is an important step forward to allow cruises to prepare to set sail when it is safe to do so.”
Robert Courts MP, Minister for Aviation, Maritime and Security and Civil Contingencies 

While this doesn’t mean an imminent return to service, this framework does form an important part of how we will implement the changes we need to make to return to cruising, when the time is right. This will allow us to not only demonstrate our commitment to keeping our crew and Guests safe and well on board, but how we can continue to create unforgettable holiday happiness.

Across Carnival UK and our brands we’ve been working closely with CLIA UK, its other members, and the Department for Transport in putting this framework together, which details protocols including:

  • Guest and crew testing
  • Isolation for suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases whilst on board
  • Delivering safe shore excursions
  • Getting our crew back safely on board, ready to welcome Guests back

The rest of the ELT and I are delighted that the Minister has given his public support to this framework. What it means for us now is that our return to service programme will continue to pick up pace as we put in place further protocols to create appropriate safe environments across our operations for restart. Over the coming weeks and months we’ll be sharing more with you on what this looks like and how we can all play our part in the programme to welcome back our crew and Guests in a safe way. Donnacha O’Driscoll, EVP Maritime

And of course, these will be continuously evaluated and adjusted as the scientific understanding of Covid-19 improves. We can then reflect the very latest guidance while ensuring we continue to operate safely, to protect the environment, and to be in compliance everywhere we operate in the world.

Watch out for more information on our plans over the coming weeks and months.





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  1. Sir it is a great news but no one have thought about this kind of situation in world.
    I am desperately waiting for joining ship and to meet all friends and passengers.
    Please give us this news soon sir/madam.
    Thank you

    • Sir, it’s a great news, it is a matter of great pleasure that we will again return to our work safely… We all pray to God that this pandemic can be cured soon.And we are able to meet our friends and guests. Just wait now to join soon.I missed my work to my ship and to friends and guests…

  2. Swaroop Kunhitayil on

    This is a very positive news. Once again thanking P&O the way they looked after crew members from different parts of the world and finally reaching everyone home safe. We are obliged and we await for the chance to pay back with our selfless service to our guests and company. Hope this will all be soon

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