With the continually evolving restrictions on travel from the UK, unfortunately it is necessary to once again, extend our current P&O Cruises pause until early next year. 

As such, all Caribbean cruises are cancelled until the end of January 2021, and all cruises from and to Southampton are cancelled until February with the exception of Arcadia and Aurora, which have already been cancelled through to the end of their spring world cruises. You can see full details of all the cruises affected on the P&O Cruises website.

We’re continuing to monitor the overall situation closely and will certainly reintroduce cruises should the opportunity arise and it is feasible to do so. As you know, our highest responsibilities and our top priorities are to operate safely, to protect the environment, and to be in compliance everywhere we operate in the world.

As well as the industry bodies, we’re currently working with many of the most brilliant minds in science as well as government at the highest level. We’re nearing the conclusion of the conversations regarding our new approved health protocols and have set up operational teams to put these in place.

We know that this will be disappointing for those of you booked on concession cruises, again we’re sorry for this – your booking will be cancelled and any refunds returned to you.

We also appreciate the continued hard work of our contact centre colleagues who are working tirelessly to support Guests with their booking changes.

As P&O Cruises president Paul Ludlow explains in his video below we cannot wait for restrictions to ease, borders to open and for us to once again be able to set sail for a new beginning.

There is no update to Cunard’s pause in operations at this time but we will, of course, keep you updated if anything changes. 

We’re continuously grateful for your determination and courage as we navigate this ever-changing landscape, and seek to do the right thing for our people and Guests to minimise the spread of Covid-19.


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