Today marks a very special day in Cunard’s history. On 4 July 1840, 180 years ago, the 1,100 ton steamship Britannia set out from Liverpool bound for Halifax, Nova Scotia and then on to Boston, Massachusetts. Although primarily intended to carry the Royal Mail, this inaugurated the first scheduled transatlantic steamship service, one that would ultimately transform trade and forever link societies.

Below, Simon Palethorpe, President of Cunard and Carnival UK, celebrates what an incredible 180 years Cunard has experienced so far, from that first crossing of the Atlantic to now awaiting their 249th ship.

To mark the past 180 years, Cunard is celebrating with a video voyage through their history, showing some of the most memorable Cunard moments. Watch 180 years in the making…

Follow Cunard on Instagram @cunardline to try your skills at their 180 anniversary quiz!  They are also asking Guests to share their favourite memories and photos of their times spent on a Cunard voyage. Share yours by tagging @cunardline to tell them your #CunardDreams 


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