Over the past four weeks, Cunard has made a series of food donations to UK food rescue charity, UKHarvest.

Queen Mary 2 and Queen Victoria are both currently moored off the south coast in layup. With no Guests on board to cater for, and hundreds of colleagues being successfully repatriated, the ships have been able to donate 25 pallets (approximately 23 tons) of food supplies to UKHarvest, a not-for-profit perishable food rescue operation that collects quality excess food from commercial outlets and delivers it, direct and free of charge, to charities. This then provides much needed assistance to vulnerable people across the UK.

The food donations from both ships have been made up of frozen and chilled fruit and vegetables in addition to other nutritious dry food including staple pantry food, cereal and even chocolate. 

Cunard, Executive Chef, Nicholas Oldroyd, said;

“The Cunard team, both ship and shore, are so pleased to have been able to make a small difference with these donations, especially at this time when so many people globally are going through such a difficult time. We would like to thank our partners, including the Port of Southampton, in making this happen.”

UKHarvest, Founder and CEO, Yvonne Thomson, said,

“This contribution of nutritious food has been incredible, especially during the Covid-19 lockdown period.  We have been able to donate to Covid-19 Emergency Centres, deliver food parcels to vulnerable people and ensure that school children have been fed. This is the beginning of a relationship with Cunard and we can’t thank Cunard enough for their generosity.”

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