#World5K, the event that inspired people globally to keep moving from the safety of their home, ship or cabin will be taking place every Saturday at noon as a result of its success!

The event co-founded by Peter Symonds, Iona Inaugural Event team at P&O Cruises and Tim Northam, reached participants form every continent Asia, Europe, North & South America and Australasia who all joined in at midday locally, with over 25 countries in taking part.

“The response we had to #World5k was just incredible.” Says Peter Symonds. “Considering we had so little time to get the word out, it’s absolutely staggering how far and wide participation spread throughout the world.”

World 5k attracted thousands of participants from over 25 countries. New Zealand, Australia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Portugal, Denmark, Brazil, Russia and North America are just a handful of the countries whose citizens participated in #World5k at the weekend, with further contributors hailing from Hong Kong, Indonesia, Germany, Holland and the Channel Islands – as well as every corner of the UK.

“To have this much global support, when we only set up #World5k with a week’s notice, is just such a fantastic result. We had messages from people in isolation all over the world, telling us how motivating they found the event and how it made them feel connected to a wider community.”

“We knew how isolated some people were feeling during lock down so we wanted to do something to bring people together while at the same time honouring social distancing.” Adds Tim. “A lot of people who took part are members of running clubs or usually walk with friends and it’s regaining this sense of community that inspired so many people to join in #World5k.”

“#World5k has clearly shown us that people want to feel part of something and find ways to connect to the outside world. The messages we’ve received from people all over the world have made us realise how important a sense of community is for people at this time – and what greater community than the world coming together?”

Peter and Tim are also using the World 5k events as fund raisers for the NHS Charities Together in the UK, as well as encouraging participants both at home and internationally to donate to the World Health Organisation’s novel coronavirus 2019 campaign.

Keep moving and take part

#World5k will take place every Saturday at 12-noon local time wherever you are in the world.

To take part, simply stay at home and start your walk, run, step or bounce when it turns midday in your country.

You can connect to other #World5kers on Strava, Facebook and Twitter using #World5k.

For further details visit www.world5k.com

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