You may have heard the term ‘Social Distancing’ being used a lot in the media, but what does it actually mean for us at Carnival UK?

As you’ll be aware everybody in the UK has been asked to stop non-essential contact with other people and avoid all unnecessary travel. This is known as social distancing and aims to reduce the amount of close contact people have with another during the Coronavirus outbreak to reduce the risk of spreading infection.

Keeping you safe and well…

Regardless of where you are working we strongly encourage everyone always ensure you are no less than two metres away from the next person. 

Our top tips to help you manage social distancing 

When setting up your workstation or choosing somewhere to sit imagine the chair next to you isn’t there, sit at the next available space.

Keep your distance from others in all communal areas. Could you go to an alternative area where there are less people?

Stay connected with your family, friends and colleagues by arranging daily contact either through calls or video conferencing.  If you’re ever unsure about anything remember to speak to your line manager.

Keep your workspace and living areas clean and clear, you’ll be more productive and  you won’t be near to areas underneath clutter that haven’t been cleaned. 

Take regular breaks, get outdoors and enjoy some fresh air. Exercise is great for mindfulness even if it’s just a short walk.

Stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet, looking after yourself during these challenging times is hugely important to keeping yourself safe and well.

As per current UK Government guidance you should avoid any events or venues with large groups of people. 

And of course, don’t forget these top tips on remaining safe and well.

Being concerned about the current situation we are in is understandable, if you are feeling overwhelmed or particularly anxious the World Health Organization has released some advice on protecting your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak. 

  • Limit the amount of time you spend reading or watching things which aren’t making you feel better. Perhaps decide on a specific time to check in with the news
  • There is a lot of misinformation swirling around – stay informed by sticking to trusted sources of information such as government and NHS websites
  • Mute social media if updates are triggering any anxiety for you.

And always remember if you are uncertain about anything please speak with your line manager. 

For the most up to date information on Carnival UK shoreside coronavirus guidance and FAQs, visit The Insider COVID-19 pages.

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