Two weeks ago we paused operations until 11 April 2020. Today we’re extending this pause up to and including 15 May 2020. By this time we hope to see that the guidelines and restrictions are clearer so we can then look at how we phase our ships back into service.

The pace of the global pandemic has increased significantly, and as heroes of ‘safe and well’, we need to do our part in the containment of COVID-19 – this includes protecting the health and safety of colleagues and our Guests which is our number one priority.

Next steps

Supporting our colleagues on board and our Guests at this time is our absolute priority and we’ve been in touch with updates on what’s happening and what this means for them. For our small number of Guests currently on board Arcadia and Queen Mary 2, our priority is still to get them home safely. We’re also in the process of reaching out to our partners across all areas of the business, our travel agents, suppliers and port agents, to let them know about this extension.

Additionally, the Government restrictions have forced the temporary slowdown of work by Meyer Werft in Germany, where the final outfitting on Iona is being completed – we’re working with the team at the shipyard to see how this will impact Iona’s delivery. This extension to our voluntary pause affects Iona’s Shakedown, but it’s a postponement not a cancellation. We’re working on updating our FAQs with more information about this so please continue to use the COVID-19 pages to stay up-to-date.

Taking care of colleagues on board

Everyone on board our ships are safe and well and following the UK Government’s current coronavirus advice. We know they are worried about friends and family around the world and we are doing everything we can to get everyone that doesn’t form part of our manning for the operational pause, home. But as guardians of one another, we can’t disembark them until we’re absolutely certain they’ll get back safely.

You can watch our Brand Presidents Simon Palethorpe and Paul Ludlow update videos on the pause extension here:

Stay safe and well

No one could have ever predicted the impact COVID-19 would have on Carnival UK. The way everyone has adapted and supported each other and the business in such challenging times is incredible. Thank you to each and every colleague for everything you are doing, and continue to do, as the coronavirus situation continues.

To protect the health of you, your colleagues and your loved ones, it’s really important that you continue to adhere to Government guidance on COVID-19. Please only go outside for food, health reasons or work (if you are on the approved CUK critical access list); stay two metres (6ft) away from other people; and wash your hands often.

It’s too soon to know exactly how this situation will evolve but we promise that we are committing all our resources, energy and time to weather this storm and come out stronger than ever.

Once again, thank you for your patience and understanding as we seek to do the right thing for you and our Guests, and to limit the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Insider is regularly updated with the most recent Carnival UK COVID-19 guidance and news, so please use this as the single source of truth.

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