Remote working is becoming more and more common in the workplace. It’s great to have the flexibility to be able to reply to those emails whilst we’re off on a train somewhere, or to just take some time out of the office and complete a task from home. This way of working also presents dangers whilst we’re out and about that you may not even think about. Fear not though, we have some tips to reduce the risks and stay safe.

First of all when we say working remotely – what do we mean?  This could be anywhere that isn’t your usual location for work, such as at home, on public transport, or somewhere you can’t connect directly to the Carnival UK network.  

Here are our Security Operation Team’s top tips to keep your data safe when working remotely:

  1. Be mindful of the type of work you’re doing.  If you are working with sensitive or confidential information, this should not be done in a public space.  Always be mindful of where you are and what you are working on.
  2. Always connect to Carnival UK systems via Virtual Private Network (VPN) when working remotely. This has extra security whereby you need to enter a password and a passcode (via an app on your phone) to log your laptop onto the Carnival UK network.
  3. Public Wi-Fi’s aren’t necessarily secure– lacking the security controls which are implemented on our corporate network, means an attacker could intercept network communications and steal information. Again…when working remotely we should always connect to Carnival UK systems via VPN. This ensures our information is protected by Carnival UK security controls. 
  4. Wi-Fi connections may not be what they appear to be – When we connect to public Wi-Fi we never really know if what we are connecting to is legitimate. Some access points can be set up with the intention of stealing information as it passes through.  Look out for things that look unusual about the networks you are connecting to, such as two available WiFi’s with identical names. 
  5. Shoulder surfing – Always be aware that someone could steal information by looking over your shoulder and watching what you are doing. Be wary of your surroundings. 
  6. Look after your devices – A lot of people think this wont happen to them – until it happens to them… it just takes a moments distraction to forget to pick up that USB stick, phone or laptop.  Always check you’ve got everything with you wherever you are once you finish work. 

I want to start working remotely, how do I get access to VPN? 

If you would like to request access to connect to VPN you should first of all discuss it with your line manager, then raise a service request. If you have any queries on how to raise a service request please contact the IT support desk on X6000, or email at:

If you have a query around access to VPN please call the IT Service Desk on:  023 8065 6000

If you have any queries around security and remote working please contact:

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