Our P&O Cruises Guests who are within twelve weeks of their cruise departing are about to embark on a new email journey. They’ll now receive up to nine dynamic and personalised emails with useful holiday information, dining options, loyalty and top FAQs. 

These new emails are far more personalised than anything we’ve sent out before. At the top of each email, there’s even a countdown timer which shows them the amount of days until departure. This is continually updated, so if a Guest re-opens the email after the initial send, the amount of days shown in the countdown is a true reflection.

And that’s not all, the information within the email is tailored to each cruise and each ship.

But don’t just take our word for it – take a look for yourselves (as the content is personalised some of it might look strange but don’t worry the correct info will pull through in Guest emails.)

Checklist http://emails.pocruises.com/q/119z5fIyf1XN/wv
FAQs http://emails.pocruises.com/q/119z5fSQxRBh/wv
Dining http://emails.pocruises.com/q/119z5fVq7zvE/wv
Embarkation Information http://emails.pocruises.com/q/119z5g0zgZko/wv
Last minute extras http://emails.pocruises.com/q/119z5g38QHeL/wv
Bon voyage http://emails.pocruises.com/q/119z5gaRzOXS/wv

The pre-cruise team and My P&O Cruises team work extremely closely together to ensure the Guest is taken on the best possible journey. Wherever possible, the pre-cruise emails link through to My P&O Cruises as this site is optimised for customer experience and conversion.

By communicating to Guests from booking through to sailing, cancellation rates should decrease as P&O Cruises is in continuous communication with the Guest in a helpful yet inspiring manner.

If you want to find out more just speak to Silvia Brent, Alex Clarke or Amy Meredith.

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