On Wednesday 23 October Britannia returned from her 15-day refit in Brest, France. As Britannia prepares to embark for her Winter and Spring cruise seasons to the Caribbean later this week until April 2020, P&O Cruises and Carnival UK Maritime wanted to share with you the improvements on board…

  • New carpets in cabins on Decks A, B, C and all Suites
  • A new aft glazed canopy on Decks 14 and 15, in an upgrade to the suites and balconies on these decks
  • The Atrium received a redefined layout to improve Guest experience and make full use of the space available
  • WiFi upgrade
  • Improvements to the Oasis Spa, including the installation of two ‘express spa’ pods, which boast a wide-range of treatments
The refit led by Carnival UK Maritime involved a number of departments across CUK to make it such a success including P&O Cruises, Guest Experience, Change and Strategy and Procurement.

As the refit team look onwards to 2020, where the Carnival UK fleet will see three refits – Azura, Oceana and Queen Mary 2 – Dave Varty, VP of Asset Management reflects on the importance of refits and what they mean for our Guests and colleagues on board:

“Britannia’s refit will give her a new lease of life, meaning she remains a number one holiday destination for our Guests and an exceptional place to work for our colleagues.”

Have you been lucky enough to sail on Britannia, or are looking forward to travelling on her soon? Tell us in the comments below.

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