One of the greatest things about working in Carnival UK is the opportunity to work in collaboration with our sister brands from the Carnival group – and that’s exactly what we, as an L&D team, did recently. 

In July we received an invitation from Rocky, Lead Specialist for Seabourn Fleet Learning & Development.  We’d been in contact with him about Virtual Reality training and the Seabourn College. It turns out Rocky was on holiday on the Seabourn Quest and invited us onboard.

On a beautiful, blue-sky July morning we hopped on the ‘Red Jet’ to join Rocky onboard where Seabourn Quest was anchored off the coast of Cowes.

Rocky welcomed us and immediately spoiled us with a coffee and a lovely ‘Grandma cake’. Hannah, their Learning and Development Manager, joined us for a tour of the ship, where we saw the L&D Centre, and had a demonstration of their Virtual Reality training. We also learnt about their College programme for new hires. They answered all our questions and we have since shared learning materials. We even got to finish the visit at their beautiful buffet where we had a lovely lunch.

We came away from the visit feeling proud to be part of a corporation where we all aim to empower our ships’ company by providing the best possible training to help deliver unforgettable holiday happiness to our Guests.

We certainly can’t wait for our next visit!

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