There’s been lots of great stuff going on in our Contact Centre recently with a number of people being recognised for their efforts…

First of all…congratulations to our talented people who’ve passed their Level 3, First Line Management apprenticeship with flying colours! A big well done to everyone pictured above:
Tiffany Gale
Lauren Burnikell
Megan Kenny
Selina Locke
Alice Shaw
Ian Miller
Cameron Hewson
Yasemin Freemantle
And teacher Katie Warrior

Also…we’re thrilled to announce that our very own Charlotte Mair, Senior Adviser, Customer Communications has been shortlisted as a finalist for Support Person of the Year at the South West Contact Centre Awards. Charlotte was nominated by the Contact Centre Senior Management team for going above and beyond in the planning and delivery of their Events and Engagement calendar.

The Bafta-style award ceremony will take place at Aerospace in Bristol on the 27 June 2019, where finalists can enjoy the evening’s presentation by A-list host, plus music, entertainment and dancing.

Even more celebration...on 16 April our Contact Centre all celebrated their brand alignment and Partnership’s first birthday. They were were given team party games, goody bags and pastries to mark this special occasion . The star of the show was a huge birthday cake, which was made for us by our wonderful Chefs on board Arcadia! Chris Lees did the honour of cutting the cake alongside Jo Sponder and Alex Delamere-White.


So, why not join us in congratulating our Contact Centre people in the comments below?

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1 Comment

  1. Michelle Harradence on

    Congratulations everyone ! You are such a hardworking team and all of us in the Learning Team are proud to work alongside you and support you in your journeys!

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