Whether they work on ship or shore, whether they work in a kitchen, an engine room or an office, we rely on brilliant people to create unforgettable holiday happiness for our Guests, and unforgettable careers for our people.

From saving lives, to acts of safety and delivering exceptional service, our award-winning colleagues for February have all gone above and beyond while at work.

Queen Elizabeth – Arnaldo Legaspi, Onboard IT

In the Medical Centre, one of the ship’s blood analyzers wasn’t working because it required a software update which QE wasn’t able to receive by email or download on to the ship.

Arnaldo downloaded this in his own time ashore and enabled QE to get the analyzer back into service as fast as possible! Arnaldo has helped out in the Medical Centre many times and he always does it with a smile.

Queen Mary 2 – Katsiaryna Rusak, Waitress

A couple of Guests missed their tour bus in Singapore. They were quite upset, very tired and concerned because they didn’t have any local currency with them. After waiting for quite a long time and finally finding a spot where they could get a taxi, they met Katsiarina.

Katsiarina offered to share her taxi with the Guests and even insisted on taking care of the taxi payment. Katsiarina’s White Star approach greatly impressed the Guests and made a positive memory out of a negative experience.

Queen Victoria – Norberto Guigayoma (Norby), Motorman

Norby is the best example of true ‘behind the scenes’ White Star Service. He fully embeds the four White Star Service values in his day-to-day work and demonstrates exemplary behaviour. Norby works proactively and tirelessly to assist the team in achieving better maritime standard scores, and all this while performing his very demanding watch keeping duties, in a safe and responsible manner, ensuring safety during the quiet hours of the night.

He is a very modest person and extremely polite, always smiling, with great personality that makes him lovable and respected throughout the Technical team. As the oldest motorman in the team, he is a true inspiration for younger colleagues and never too busy to share his knowledge or develop new members to make their start on board easier and more pleasant.

Arcadia – Sandra Lobo, Flight Coordinator

During the World Cruise, and with very little notice, Sandra single-handedly re-organised and managed all the Brisbane Guest disembarkations (approximately 150 people); issuing new flights, allocating hotels, arranging transfers and communicating all details with Guests.

Aurora – Lauren Mackrell, Entertainment Host

Lauren has received 21 CRUISE nominations from Guests on the Grand Voyage commenting on her friendliness and helpful ‘can do’ attitude.

Azura – Regilyn Cerezo, Select Waiter

Regilyn was nominated by a Guest who wrote “On the first night of my first cruise, she rescued me from a totally embarrassing situation. I have a medical condition (Stoma) and my bag burst in the muster station bar. Regilyn stayed with me until medical assistance arrived to further save my embarrassment. A very caring lady and a credit and asset to your company. Thank you.”

Britannia – Benedick Ilag, Hotel Operations Assistant

While on duty, Benedick found a confused Guest wondering alone naked. Benedick immediately removed his uniform shirt to cover the Guest and protect them from embarrassment. Unfortunately the Guest could not remember his cabin number so Benedick called night manager and night housekeeper who escorted the Guest back to their cabin

Oceana – Carl Anthony, Apprentice Receptionist

An elderly guest with apparent comprehension difficulties and mobility issues  was travelling solo. Carl recognised that the Guest would benefit from assistance during the upcoming face to face immigration check as he was not on the Assistance List. Carl asked permission to support the Guest, escorting them from their cabin to the process on the quayside. The Guest was very thankful and appreciative of Carl’s attention and gesture.

Oriana – Mathew Viegas Pereira, Sous Chef

Mathew has shown lots of dedication and passion for the crew food over last four months. He arrives early each morning to make breakfast a special occasion with his marvelous menus. He recognises the diversity of his colleagues and the menu choices he makes bring such joy and make it feel like a home from home on board. Mathew often receives praise from his colleagues.

Ventura – Abdul Waqas, Deck Seaman

Abdul has received 49 nominations from all departments! He’s an active member of the Seafarers Welfare Committee (SWC) who listens and acts on behalf of his colleagues with energy and enthusiasm. He has recently run a very successful cricket tournament, and spends time welcoming new colleagues to the gym and showing them how to use the facility. Abdul is very friendly to everyone on board and brings energy to the ship.

Carnival House – Laura Parkhouse, Buying Administrator, Technical Purchasing


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