It’s Transgender Day of Visibility on Sunday, a day dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by the transgender community worldwide.

At Carnival UK we’re dedicated to creating an inclusive workplace where everyone can bring their whole selves to work. In support of this, and in light of Transgender Day of Visibility, we’ve launched a new Shore Transgender Policy to sit alongside our Shore Equality and Inclusion Policy.

We’ve partnered with Stonewall ( to support us on our diversity and inclusion journey, and with their help, we’ve introduced both policies so that we are all clear on the support and guidance available to colleagues.

In the community there’s a lot of pressure on transgender and non-binary people to conform, change and prove their gender to others. Here at Carnival UK we want to ensure everyone is welcome no matter how they identify.

  • View the Shore Transgender Policy here
  • View the Shore Equality and Inclusion Policy here

Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV)  takes place on 31 March each year to celebrate transgender and non-binary people and raise awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide. It’s a day to celebrate the lives and achievements of transgender people worldwide.

It aims to increase transgender equality and empower transgender people to live their lives freely and confidently. It began in 2009 and has grown rapidly each year since. Now thousands of trans people, their loved ones, families, friends, colleagues and allies take part in celebrating International Trans Day of Visibility each year.

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