Last year Fraser McLeod, Buyer, Technical Purchasing, based at Carnival House, ran his first ever marathon! Raising over £1,600 for Prostate Cancer UK, he completed the Paris Marathon and through fundraising efforts contributed to the charities goal of putting a stop to Prostate Cancer.

This year he is back for more. 79.6 miles more to be exact, all in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust.

Ever considered running a marathon or perhaps you have completed one yourself? Whilst most of us will appreciate 26.2 miles is a long way, for those of you who have run one (or perhaps you’ve run more than one) you will absolutely know the commitment it takes.

This is known all too well by Fraser who will take on his first 26.2 miles at the London Marathon in no less than 5 weeks! Shortly followed by the Edinburgh Marathon four weeks later, and Race to the King, a casual 53.6 miles ultra marathon to round off the challenge in late June.




We wish Fraser all the best with the challenge.

If  you would like to sponsor Fraser or as the challenge progresses, find out how he is getting on, visit Fraser’s JustGiving page here.

Teenage Cancer Trust is our P&O Cruises partner charity, focused on supporting 13-24 year olds diagnosed with cancer, helping them and their families through the toughest of times.

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