Throughout February, eight Carnival UK teams have been stepping up to take on The Prince’s Trust future steps challenge.

In total the teams have taken 6,848,505 steps in the first two weeks of the challenge and raised a fantastic £755* (*as of 15 Feb).

That’s enough to fund 53 group taster sessions of a stable job that young people can work towards, or enough money to fund 34 isolated individuals travel to a two week training course focused on helping them to stabilise their lives.

Here’s how a couple of our teams are getting on…

“The challenge has been much tougher than expected! The most steps achieved in one day has been Peter Burgess who managed 26,000 steps in one day. Dominique’s puppy Rodney has also assisted in helping her get the steps up! A few of the team have found nights out have meant their highest step days as dancing seems to really help!  We have purposefully been booking meetings on the ground floor and have done some walking meetings”.

Amy Mayhew, Maritime Maestros

Maritime Maestros Team

“The team has been really supportive of each other, we have a Whatsapp group where we post encouraging messages and also remind people to log their steps. Personally, training for the marathon in April means that I manage at least 10,000 steps most days but on rest days when I don’t quite reach it I make sure that my weekly average balances it out. Being part of a team helps you to keep on track and hit your target”

Laura Terry, Steptomania

“Stepping is easy, just one foot in front of the other, right? Well, yes…. And the Steptomania team have been putting in a sterling effort clocking up the miles for the Prince’s Trust Future Steps challenge. And then, one by one, several of us got ‘flu! We’re fighting back though, and using every opportunity we can to top up – walking meetings, popping to the shops, taking multiple trips up and down stairs at home when we might, in the past, have been more efficient with our laundry…. “

Amy Large, The Almost Proclaimers

QE Steppers

“It has been a great experience taking part in this challenge. All the team have been supportive checking in with one another which has built some healthy competitiveness between us all challenging one another to beat each other’s steps on a daily basis which has been extremely motivating. In addition to getting us all up and moving around more only adds to the a healthier life style at sea.”

Captain Inger Klein Thorhauge, QE Steppers

If you’d like to find out more about the challenge or sponsor any of our teams visit their justgiving pages below.

Maritime Maestros – click here
QE Steppers – click here
Steptomania – click here
The Almost Proclaimers – click here
The A team – click here
German Office – click here
Titanic swim team – click here
POC Sales and Marketing – click here 

GOOD LUCK Steppers! And remember to share your photos with us on Instagram @carnivalukcomms #FutureSteps

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