This May Carnival UK has partnered with Breast Cancer Haven to offer you the opportunity to take on the Snowdon triple challenge. That’s a 10.5 miles off-road cycle, 9 mile trek and 2.5 miles kayaking!

The Snowdon Challenge is going to be something a little bit different to our previous charity events, of course there will be fundraising but it’s also an opportunity for team building and to have some fun!” Gareth Watt, Post room and Reception Team Lead (and Charity Committee Lead)

The mission, if you choose to accept …

Complete the triple challenge* (smile or grimace is fine) and raise a minimum of £200 per person to donate to our fantastic charity partner, Breast Cancer Haven.

Here’s what’s included

The total cost to Carnival UK (per person) is £250, that includes coach hire to Snowdon, activity support, equipment hire and accommodation. We ask for an £80 non refundable fee to secure your commitment to the challenge – the rest of the £250 will be covered by Carnival UK.

For more information on the challenge, click here (Snowdon Triple Challenge Event Details – Carnival UK l Breast Cancer Haven May 2019)

Sign me up

If you would like to register your interest please speak with your manager first and make sure they are happy for you to take part – you’ll need to take Friday 3 May as your charity ‘Donate a Day’** to travel up by coach.

Once your Manager is happy, email

Spaces are limited and will be issued on a first come first served basis by our charity committee***.

Terms and conditions: *you’ll need to be confident in your ability to complete the distances comfortable inside a day **if you have already taken your donate a day in 2019 you’ll need to take Friday 3 May as annual leave. ***If successful you will be expected to pay your non refundable fee within a week of your place being confirmed.

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