Supporting an inclusive culture within Carnival House is not just Athena’s vision but Carnival UK’s too. So, as International Women’s Day 2019 approaches (it’s on 8 March if you haven’t heard, find out more here), we are looking for your nominations for inclusive leaders across the business.

So what does an inclusive leader look like?

Firstly, they don’t need to be a line manager. An Inclusive leader is not someone who is a people manager but someone who is leading the way for a more inclusive culture at Carnival House. We hope it goes without saying they can be male or female!

Secondly, what do we mean by ‘Inclusive’?

People showing active support for initiatives focused on balance, encouraging flexibility within a team, taking the time to understand different points of view or someone who is willing to challenge the traditional norms. Inclusivity can mean different things to different people, so let us know what it means to you!

What do we want you to do?

So as #IWD19 draws closer, we’re encouraging you to take a look around you and nominate someone you find inclusive, inspirational and generally awesome so we can recognise them for their work. We’d love your nominations by midday Thursday 7th March!

Please email to nominate your Inclusive Leader.

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