We are absolutely delighted to announce that thanks to the hard work of all of you and the support and generosity of our Guests, we have raised a phenomenal £2,000,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support.

This fantastic total has been raised over the past five years, from Guests and yourselves attending coffee mornings to various ship events. None of this could have been achieved without all the time and money you and our Guests have very generously donated to this charity, donations that will provide practical and emotional support to so many in their time of need.

Whilst P&O Cruises’ partnership with Macmillan is ending, the brand will continue to raise money and awareness for Teenage Cancer Trust, which gives specialised nursing care and support to young people diagnosed with cancer.

Teenage Cancer Trust is an exceptional charity which builds specialist units providing a ‘home from home’ environment in hospital. It also funds specialist nurses and youth support teams who are experts in teenage and young adult cancer. They work in multiple areas including the Teenage Cancer Trust units, other hospitals and in the community and are able to respond to the unique needs of teenagers and young adults.

We are very proud of P&O Cruises’ partnership with Teenage Cancer Trust and hope that with the support of Carnival UK employees and our Guests, we can raise another fantastic amount to support the continuation of their amazing work.

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