This summer, in support of our charity partner Teenage Cancer Trust, we’re putting a spin on P&O Cruises flagship fundraising event, Trek the Deck and introducing our own shoreside version Trek the Walls.  

From July, as part of our Summer of Togetherness campaign, we’ll be inviting you to down tools and spend time together taking on either a 8km or 5km walking challenge around Southampton’s town walls. Making the most of our fantastic ships docking right on our doorstep, every walk will include a lap of one of our P&O Cruises ships! And what’s more, you’ll be able to use your donate a day to take on the challenge and support our charity partner. Find out more about that here.

What is Trek the Deck?  

Trek the Deck is P&O Cruises flagship fundraising event, launched back in 2017. Guests give £10 donation to our charity partner and embark on a 5km walk around the deck of our P&O Cruises ships, cheered on by the Captain, crew and fellow guests. To date it has helped to raise over £750,000 of P&O Cruises £866K fundraising total for Teenage Cancer Trust. 

Trek the Walls will follow a similar format with all colleagues being asked to donate £10 to Teenage Cancer Trust when they sign up to the challenge.

When is Trek the Walls happening?

  • Thursday 11 July 2024, Aurora, 8km challenge 
  • Friday 19 July 2024, Britannia , 5km challenge
  • Tuesday 30 July 2024, Arcadia, 8km challenge
  • Friday 2 August 2024, Britannia, 5km challenge
  • Friday 16 August 2024, Britannia, 5km challenge
  • Tuesday 27 August 2024, Arcadia, 8km challenge
  • Friday 30 August 2024, Britannia, 5km challenge
  • Wednesday 11 September 2024, Aurora, 8km challenge
  • Friday 13 September 2024, Britannia, 5km challenge
  • Friday 20 September 2024, Britannia, 5km challenge

On any of these dates it’s up to you when you set off for your Trek the Walls challenge however you must be off of the ship by 11:30. We recommend a starting time of 09:15. 

If you’re using your donate a day to take part in the challenge why not have a think about other activities you could do on the day to support Teenage Cancer Trust further!

 How do I get involved? 

  1.  Find your team – A maximum of 20 people per team. Please make sure you have line manager approval before committing. 
  2.  Sign upOne member of your team should complete this form on behalf of everyone taking part. Please be aware that later on in the process you’ll need to request day passes to board the ship. If you’ve not requested a day pass before and don’t have access to the system, now is a good time to request access. You can do this here. 
  3. Complete a day request form – Once your request has been approved by the Events team one person from your team should submit a day visit request for each team member. This must be completed no later than 72 hours before embarking the ship.  
  4. Book your donate day – Find out how here
  5. Collect your T-shirt – Ahead of your challenge day, P&O Cruises events team will be in touch with you with information on how to donate your £10, route maps and details of where to collect your T-shirt from. 

Don’t forget to share your photos with us!  We want to know how you got on! Send your stories and photos to Internal Comms.

If you have friends of family who would like to support you by making a donation please send them to this Just Giving page.

 If you have any questions get in touch with 

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