Since February, when we introduced the three days in the office, you’ve been sharing feedback on what it’s like to work in Carnival House and suggesting improvements you’d like to see.

One of things you told us was that you wanted more spaces for hosting larger team updates and activities. So, throughout March and April, our Facilities team have been working to transform the collaboration space on floor four into a 140-person bookable meeting space. We’re pleased to confirm the space, named Victoria, is now ready and available to book.

Why Victoria?
Victoria is a Pacific Ocean port in Canada and has been carefully selected to align with our naming convention for all other meeting spaces at Carnival House (e.g. A-Z, Atlantic – floor one, Caribbean – floor two, Mediterranean – floor three and Pacific – floor four). You may notice on floor one we’ve used the same naming convention to give our Ideation space (Gdynia) a new name too.

The space is our largest bookable meeting room and features 140 seats, a large screen and an acoustic curtain to minimise noise disruption to colleagues working nearby. Come and look for yourself, you’ll find it at the front of the building near the lifts. And if you have any questions take a look at the FAQ’s here.

Want to book this space? Speak with your department Executive Assistant (EA) or Personal Assistant (PA). 

Improvements to Carnival House, like the introduction of Victoria, are only possible when you tell us how we can make your experience even better. Share your feedback here.

Victoria is our newest edition to Carnival House, but did you know we have almost ten different work spaces to choose from when working from the office? You can read more about all the spaces available to you here.

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1 Comment

  1. Improvement on what was there, but could be better. Bigger and more screens would help those at the back and the sides. Also needs an acoustic curtain on the technology side of the room as we continue to be disturbed by noise from town hall meetings.

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