Throughout the holy month of Ramadan, we’re bringing you blogs from colleagues taking part in the month’s activities to help everyone learn a little more.

In our third blog, we hear from Nilofer Hasham, Onboard Revenue Compliance & Planning Manager:

Rrrrriiinnnggg… my fuzzy sleepy brain is trying to figure out what is going on, then in a flash I remember it’s my alarm waking me up to eat breakfast so I am set up to fast for the day. I definitely do not want to miss my chance to have breakfast! Fasting on a hungry stomach is definitely a no-no. Each morning during Ramadan I wake up at dawn to have a healthy breakfast and drink lots of water to set me up for the day.

Fasting is abstaining from food and drink all day. However fasting is also focused on elevating oneself, avoiding bad behaviours e.g. arguing, lying etc, and focusing on more good behaviours, e.g. being helpful and being more charitable with one’s time, energy and resources. Is it hard? Absolutely! However not in the sense most people think, i.e. being hungry or thirsty. I find the broken sleep more challenging as my brain starts to get tired after 4pm.

A colleague once asked me; “living in a non-Muslim country what do you wish you could change to make fasting easier?” I answered that I would change nothing; the point of Ramadan is to go about your daily tasks – going to work, going to school etc, whilst carrying on fasting. The point of fasting is to enhance ourselves whilst in our day-to-day environment so we may be humble and learn good habits that can carry into the rest of the year.

Do I take it easier during Ramadan? Absolutely, I take part of my annual leave so I may rest and recharge. Carnival UK supporting flexible working patterns has also helped where if needed I can start my working day earlier and end before my energy starts to flag.

My colleagues have also been very supportive, they are mindful of eating around me although I tell them I am not bothered by food around me. This is because I know something they don’t. When my family and I open our fast in the evening, there will be a mini-feast of savouries, a healthy main meal, fruits and dessert. So I don’t feel deprived or crave any foods during the fasting window.

Ramadan usually lasts between 29-30 days depending on the lunar cycle. At the end, Muslims have a celebration called Eid which everyone from kids to adults look forward to. We usually dress in our best, make or buy sweet treats and share with family and friends whom we visit. Kids love Eid because they usually get presents and are fussed over for all their efforts during Ramadan.

Whilst 30 days feels like a long time, it does go in a flash and before we know it we are back to day-to-day life, missing the special feeling that only comes with Ramadan.”

Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Nilofer.

Did you know?

During the month of Ramadan, together with fasting, prayer and reflection, Muslims also increase their generosity and good deeds to support those less fortunate, and express higher levels of thanks and gratitude for the things they have been able to benefit from. With this in mind, why not make a donation to support our charity partners Teenage Cancer Trust and The Prince’s Trust?

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