Are you looking for an opportunity to develop your skills, be innovative and raise your profile in 2024? Million Makers is back and we’re looking for colleagues from across CUK to join the team and raise £10,000 or more for Cunard’s charity partner, and one of CUK’s chosen charities, The Prince’s Trust in just six months. Here’s all you need to know.

What is Million Makers?
Million Makers is an award winning, entrepreneurial, Dragon’s Den style fundraising challenge which sees teams of employees, from organisations across the UK, use their creativity and business acumen to develop their skills by turning an initial seed funding investment into as much money as possible for The Prince’s Trust. The challenge collectively raises over £1million every year to change the lives of unemployed young people across the UK. So far, 600 teams, across all sectors, have taken part and collectively raised over £15million!

How does it work?
Team Cunard will come together and create a business plan on how they will raise the money from up to £1500 seed funding.  Once you’ve hatched a plan, you will pitch to a Dragons’ Den panel, to secure the funding from The Prince’s Trust. The team will then have six months to implement and promote their ideas to raise £10,000 or more.

What’s in it for me?
Well, apart from raising a significant amount of money that will go a long way in helping to give young people across the UK the confidence and opportunities to get into employment, Million Makers is a CPD accredited programme so you can count your participation towards your professional development. You’ll have the opportunity to attend monthly skills sessions with senior leaders on topics like leadership, project management and business planning and attend kick off and celebration events hosted by The Prince’s Trust.

You’ll also be supported along the way by this year’s Business Mentor, Katie McAlister –  President, Cunard who’ll be there to listen to ideas and advise on business planning, alongside Development Mentor, Vanda Forward, who’ll support the team with working together and developing across the 6-month programme. Not only that, but you’ll have support from a mentor from The Prince’s Trust too.

Where do I sign up?

Spaces are limited with a maximum of 15 places on the team. Applications are open now until 5pm on Thursday 29th February. If you’d like to take part, please gain approval from your line manager and sign up here. There will be a selection process based on the number of applicants we receive, and further details will be shared after the closing date.

Want to find out more?
The Prince’s Trust will be holding a Lunch & Learn, 16th February 12PM on Teams. This informal session will introduce you to Million Makers, what it is and how it could benefit and work for you. Please contact if you would like to attend.

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