When it comes to creating holiday happiness we recognise the importance of what we do as well as how we do it. By living our Culture Essentials every day we continue to improve the way we work together and be the great company we aspire to be.

When Britannia was alongside Carnival Venzia in Barbados recently, the team couldn’t wait to meet the Carnival team to listen and learn about how they do things onboard.

A small team of Senior Managers and Officers from Britannia; Patrick Maguire – Captain, Pater Redding – Chief Engineer, Hotel General Manager – Deborah Thomsen, John Fleming – First Officer, Douglas Lauder – Environmental Officer and Rishi Chadha – Human Resources Manager, all met with Captain Claudio Cupisti and his team onboard Carnival Venzia.

The hospitality shown to us by Captain Claudio and his team was as warm as the Caribbean waters. The Officers spent several hours discussing ways of working and the knowledge shared helped both teams to consider better ways of doing things. Less than 24 hrs since the visit we have shared information between us to assist with common challenges and possible solutions across both brands. 

Rishi Chadha,  Human Resources Manager onboard Britannia  

Collaboration and communication are hugely important to the success of Carnival UK and ensures we are continuously listening and learning, adapting and improving. Kudos to the Carnival Venezia team for their great hospitality and warm welcome and well done to Britannia for embracing our Culture Essentials.

Want to share your experiences of how you and your teams bring our Culture Essentials to life? Email us at Internal.Comms@carnivalukgroup.com and we’ll share your story.

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