Last week, shoreside colleagues from a variety of departments across Cunard and shared services attended a special ceremony to celebrate completing the training required to earn themselves a White Star Service pin.  

Angus Struthers, Acting Senior Vice President, Cunard, and members of the Cunard senior leadership team were there to meet the new White Star Service Academy graduates and present them with their White Star Service pin and certificate.  

Congratulations goes to:  

Fiona Chalmers, Vera Carnelio, Mariana Bolojan, Saqib Elahi, Sammi Harding, Chris Truckel, William Poulter, Alek Zales, Anastasia Slizova, Sian Jolly, Dierdre Kenny, Joanne Dickinson, Rami Petrus, Anita Van Den Broek, Elaine Snelling, Wynand Jacobs and Laura Jennings.

They are now wearing their pin with pride, joining over 3,800 colleagues, ship and shore who all understand the importance of delivering exceptional service through our values: 

We are refined.                We serve with style and attention to detail. 

We are thoughtful.          We think and deliver with care and imagination.

We are charismatic.        We speak and act with charm and confidence.

We are proud.                  We represent Cunard with passion and pride.

For WSS graduate Laura Jennings, receiving her White Star Service pin had an extra sentimental meaning:

Wearing my White Star Service pin is not only a reminder of Cunard’s world-renowned service standard, but also its rich heritage, as well as my family’s own.

My great grandfather, George Kemish, served as a fireman on board several White Star Line ships, including sister ships RMS Olympic, HMHS Britannic and RMS Titanic.

He had almost finished his 8pm-12am shift in the boiler room when the Titanic struck an iceberg.

Against the odds he escaped with his life in lifeboat number 9 after having made a leap into the icy water. Hours later he was rescued by Cunard’s Carpathia.

My great grandfather did return to sea and continued to serve on White Star ships. In fact, he estimated that, between 1908 and 1926, he had made around 100 voyages to New York.

I feel honoured all these years later to work for Cunard and to wear my White Star Service pin.

Source: RMS Titanic 75 Years of Legend, by David F. Hutchings

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