We recently entered Arvia’s Naming Ceremony for an ICE Award – Best International Event and we’re delighted to share the news that last night we won!

ICE launched in 2015 to recognise and reward InHouse Corporate Event planners with the creation of the ICEAWARDS. Now in it’s ninth successful year, the ICEAWARDS recognises the work of corporate event planners. The ceremony took place on 13 July 2023 in London for event planners or marketing teams who spend at least 70% of their daily work organising, marketing and executing corporate events. The judges’ comments were:

“P&O Cruises Arvia Naming Ceremony was an excellent marketing event. There was a clear strategic plan, a huge number of different stakeholders, customised event experiences designed for different target audiences and a series of production firsts. The judges loved the ambition and the impact of this event – both commercially for P&O Cruises and for Barbados as a destination. Bravo!”

Kelly Frew, Events Director, added:

 “I’m super proud that we, as a wider P&O Cruises team have won this award, especially as we were up against strong competition.”

Congratulations to everyone involved!

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