In March this year, CUK led the way in planning the implementation of OneOcean on board our ships. The goal was to harness the latest technology to reduce our environmental impact and improve the safety of our Guests and Crew on board. Its also helping us reach our commitment to deliver a safe, compliant, reliable and efficient operation wherever we operate – which in turn means we can give our guests unforgettable holiday happiness.

Since then a Corproate-led working group has worked with the developers of OneOcean to install the technology on all our CUK ships. The OneOcean system removes the manual human processes which are time consuming and by their very nature, despite best efforts, open to errors. OneOcean therefore gives us back time. Time to make well informed and appropriate decisions on safety and environmental compliance. We also get a number of visual indicators to ensure that there is a shared and consistent view of what environmental conditions the ship is operating under at any given time. We therefore have drastically reduced the opportunity for misunderstanding or assumptions.

Along with the critical environmental compliance elements, OneOcean also simplifies voyage planning against meteorological conditions. This merges a number of planning processes which ultimately ensure the safety and comfort of our Guests and Crew.


OneOcean has undoubtedly become an indispensable asset on board our ships. Its powerful capabilities have revolutionized our operations, assisting our teams and saving us precious time. The software’s commitment to environmental compliance, efficient passage planning, and streamlined charts and publications management is commendable.

Sumit Ahuja, Chief Officer



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