Sustainability across Carnival UK and the wider corporation is an integral part of who we and as a result, we have a number of initiatives underway to meet our 2030 sustainability goals. While this work continues we wanted to share what’s hot on the agenda each month from us, the Carnival Corporation and the industry  –  here are the latest headlines:   

  • Having closed out the ‘external assessment’ last month, we have begun the ‘internal assessment’ (phase 2) of our work with the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. This has started with a series of 1-1 interviews with VPs from across CUK.
  • Having launched our internal sustainability comms toolkit last month, we’re continuing our work with Mullenlowe Salt to expand our focus to other key audiences.
  • The planned publication date for the FY22 Corporate Sustainability Report is April. The timeline for publication has been accelerated to align with our annual financial disclosures.
  • A landmark new treaty to protect our oceans was agreed by 193 nations of the UN earlier this month. The new framework aims to protect 30% of the seas by 2030, areas which are not under the jurisdiction of any state.
  • Lufthansa is the latest airline to be found in violation of the Green Claims Code by the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority and it’s advert has been banned in the UK.

If you’d like to find out more about our sustainability journey take a look here or contact Dan Brown in the Sustainability team.

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