At Carnival UK, one of the things that makes us a great team is that we work with people from all over the world. We come from different cultures and backgrounds, have had different experiences, and often share different views.

Whilst we all know a little about each other’s cultures, there’s always more that we can learn and do to make sure that everyone feels respected and included. On 23 March, the team on P&O Cruises Britannia organised another special cultural food event to celebrate the 52 different nationalities of our colleagues on board. 

The galley team worked extremely hard to offer an international dinner for all members of the ship’s company to experience and enjoy, with Chef Trevor and his team creating delicious dishes from around the globe. 

It was a fantastic event, thanks to colleagues from many departments including Security, Entertainment, Back of house, Housekeeping, Food & Beverage, Technical, Deck, Hotel Operations and HR. Everyone worked together to decorate the crew restaurant with flags from all 52 countries and our crew members were proud to see their national flags on display.  

Well done team Britannia! 

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