The results are in!

Our culture Essentials awards celebrate and recognise colleagues who support our Culture Essentials by living the behaviours that demonstrate our ideal culture.

Our focus on how we do things is so incredibly important. By living our Culture Essentials every day we’ll be the great company we aspire to be, reach our long-term goals, and of course create unforgettable holiday happiness for our guests.

We’re extremely proud of how many of you have been bringing our Culture Essentials to life. Thank you for all your nominations and congratulations to our Q1 winners! 

Overall individual winner – Kim Thomas

Kim with Sture at the Business Update on 23 March 

Kim joined CUK last year and her energy and enthusiasm has boosted everyone that she comes into contact with. She is guaranteed to have a smile on her face and greet you with infectious enthusiasm.

Kim has driven a number of initiatives in the team to improve performance and engagement, and ultimately revenue. She has built strong relationships with stakeholders across the business and shares what she learns with the Sales team in an engaging way so they feel confident talking to our guests about the latest on board activities.  

She is a real cheerleader of her team and motivates them to succeed and overachieve their targets. If a colleague is struggling, she supports them to get back on track and builds their confidence. She is all about positive vibes and a huge asset for our business.  Thank you, and congratulations Kim!

Here’s a message from Becca, who nominated Kim for the award: 

Overall Team winner – Fleet People Operations

The Fleet People Operations Team with Sture at the Business Update on 23 March
 Andy Upham, Victoria Palfrey, Emma Tongs, Emma Hutchinson, Laura Taylor, Adam Shelmerdine

Back in January, Fleet People Operations received news that 20 crew arriving in Brazil to join Aurora, did not have the correct documentation, and were at risk of deportation.

The team really brought our Culture Essentials to life and did a fantastic job working with the right subject matter experts to discuss multiple options and approaches to help the crew get onboard and avoid an itinerary impact for our guests. Thank you, and congratulations to the team! 

Here’s a message from Ellie, who nominated the team for the award: 

Congratulations to all our winners! In recognition of all their hard work and dedication they’ll receive WOW points to spend on something they love. 

Know a team or an individual who has demonstrated an outstanding example of bringing our Culture Essentials to life? Show them some appreciation and nominate them for a Culture Essentials Award today! 

  • Shoreside colleagues: Click here to nominate.
  • Fleet colleagues: Complete a nomination card and pop it in the nomination box on board.

Don’t forget both shoreside and fleet colleagues can nominate each other too!

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