6-12 February is Race Equality Week, an annual UK-wide movement to address the many barriers to race equality in the workplace, including a lack of understanding of what it feels like to be in others’ shoes.

This week, REACH will be supporting the Five Day Challenge for Race Equality, and ask you to join us in taking five minutes each day to self-reflect and think about the small changes you could make. 

We’ll be updating this story with a new five minute challenge every day – so keep a look out here on The Insider to take part. 

Take part in the five minutes a day challenge:

Day 5 – Friday 10 February:

Can you be part of making things better?

Over the last week we’ve explored just some of the issues that ethnically diverse colleagues, community friends and families face. The only way to achieve equity and equality is for all of us to take action.

Choose a promise that you think you can keep as an ally, leader or ethnically diverse employee

Day 4 – Thursday 9 February:

What’s the difference between being ‘not racist’ and ‘anti-racist’? Click here for today’s challenge.

Day 3 – Wednesday 8 February:

What’s in a Name? Do you pronounce everyone’s name correctly? Does it matter if you don’t?
Read more here. 

Day 2 – Tuesday 7 February: 

Let’s talk about why language matters. Click here for today’s challenge

Day 1 – Monday 6 February: 

What part do you play in tackling race inequality? Do you play a consistently active role or play a part on occasions or hardly ever? To find out, have a go at these 5 eye-openers

REACH is an employee led network centered on Race Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage which is open to all. We welcome anyone who supports our aims and is interested in gaining a greater understanding of issues related to ethnicity and cultural heritage. Click here to learn more

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