On Tuesday 31 January the REACH network were joined by members of the Southampton City UK Shaolin Centre to welcome in the Lunar New Year with a traditional Chinese Lion Dance.

Colleagues gathered in the Atrium to watch the performance – a traditional dance in Chinese culture and other Asian countries, which mimics a lion’s movements in a lion costume to bring good luck and fortune.

Sola Froude REACH network co-lead said:

“One of REACH’s aims is to celebrate diversity within  CUK and in the communities in which we operate, and so it was a pleasure to welcome the UK Shaolin Centre to Carnival House with their vibrant performance to bring in the Lunar New Year.  It’s not every day you see a lion in the Atrium!”

Get involved!
The UK Shaolin Centre, based in the heart of Southampton, offers a unique range of fitness, wellbeing and Mental Health activities to help you explore your potential – from Kung Fu to yoga and meditation. Find out more. 

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