Our Culture Essentials Awards celebrate and recognise colleagues who support our Culture Essentials by living the behaviours that demonstrate our ideal culture.

Nominations for Q4 close on 11 November 2022 at 12:00! 

Know a team or an individual who has demonstrated an outstanding example of this? Show them some appreciation and nominate them for a Culture Essentials Award today! 

Ready to nominate? Make sure it’s a winning nomination!
Winners will be chosen on the strength of the nomination, rather than the number of nominations, so it’s worth taking the time to ensure your nomination:

·       links to one or more of our Culture Essentials – if it doesn’t, why not send an e-thank you card instead

·       includes a clear example of how your nominee has demonstrated one or more of our Culture Essentials


For more information about the awards and how to write a winning nomination, click here.


Recognise your colleagues and nominate now!

·       Shoreside colleagues: Click here to nominate

·       Fleet colleagues: Complete a nomination card and pop it in the nomination box on board.

Don’t forget both shoreside and fleet colleagues can nominate each other too!

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