Our focus on how we do things is really important, so it’s fantastic to see so many of you living our Culture Essentials and recognising each other for this in our Culture Essentials Awards.

Thanks to everyone who nominated. We’re excited to announce that the Q4 results are in and our winners are…

Overall individual winner:

Katie Mears, Manager, Partnership Helpdesk, Shared Services
Speak Up, Respect & Protect, Improve, Communicate, Empower

Katie has been an outstanding individual in transforming the Partnership Helpdesk Team within the Contact Centre. She has implemented a number of positive changes – including a new initiative called ‘Shine Month’ – created to educate the team all about Arvia, which improved knowledge within the CCO and involved a fun event with prizes for the team to win. Her passion to improve and educate both the Partnership Helpdesk Advisors and our travel agents has been phenomenal and has resulted and in creating a positive working environment which transformed how the team works. Since Katie has joined CUK, the Partnership Helpdesk Team has achieved outstanding service levels and continues to deliver invaluable support to our travel agent partners.

Congratulations, Katie!

Overall team winner:

Sola Froude & Odette McFarlane
Speak up, Listen and Learn, Communicate, Improve, Empower

Sola and Odette have gone above and beyond with the creation of the REACH network (race, ethnicity and cultural heritage). They held an open-door welcome event in October to gauge interest, have worked with key stakeholders across the business to engage with leaders and get support, and have dedicated hours of their own time to the cause. They have shown exceptional communication skills, and have spoken up for an underrepresented community at Carnival UK. They are empowering other colleagues to speak up and join the network, adamant to make positive change. They’ve spent time listening and learning about what a network would and could look like, and respect and protect all those who are underrepresented, improving our DE&I offering at Carnival UK. 

Congratulations to Sola and Odette!

Individual departmental winners

Team departmental winners

Congratulations to all our winners! In recognition of all their hard work and dedication they’ll receive WOW points to spend on something they love to celebrate. 

And that’s not all! Voting is now open for our 2022 Culture Essentials Awards Winners of the Year!
All those individuals and teams identified as our overall quarterly Culture Essentials Awards winners now have the chance to become our 2022 Culture Essentials Awards Winners of the Year! Find out more and VOTE HERE.

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