With the increase in cost of living-related news, we know it can be hard to know exactly what’s going in with your finances and getting a handle on your future savings.

So how do you do it? How do you set up the future you want without feeling confused? That’s where partners of our Legal and General providers, Pension Awareness, can help.

Pension Awareness is the creation of savings crusaders ‘Pension Geeks’, a team standing up against complex and complicated, giving you the knowledge, to discover what you can do now to protect your money and future.

From the 31 October to 4 November, we’re marking pension awareness week by signposting a number of online events, which aim to break down traditional pension and money topics in digestible and non-scary ways to help you secure your future.

The event will take the form of live TV shows, tackling the biggest pension and money questions…

How much pension do I need?

How can I take my pension money?

How do I find lost pensions and combine pension pots?

What is the New State Pension and much more.

There’ll also be lively Q&As with an expert team, as well as handy videos, articles and helpful resources to give you the tools you need to grow your pension your way.

Pension Awareness is about so much more than pensions. It’s about mindful money, budgeting hacks and your overall financial wellbeing. There’s something for everyone.

You can find the week’s schedule of live shows here, or get a head start by exploring the knowledge centre, full of practical videos, articles and resources.

You can find all of this, and much more, at www.pensionawarenessday.com

For our CCO Colleagues – If you work in CCO please register your interest to attend the event with your Line Manager.

Get to know your benefits

Don’t forget as a shoreside colleague at Carnival UK, you’ve access to exclusive employee benefits. Check out our Benefits Hub where you’ll find helpful tips and a handy guide supporting you to understand your benefits all year round.

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