Don was joined by DE&I Manager, Asha Sorenson, to talk about his own experience growing up as a black man in the UK.  You can watch the session below:

You can also watch the full recording here.

DE&I Inclusive Language Guide
Using the right language and phrases is important to creating an inclusive environment at Carnival UK. Understanding why we use certain language can be difficult, so we’ve put together this Inclusive Language Guide to help. 

About Don John

Don John has been working in the field of Race & Diversity for over 40 years. Along with many other accolades, he is the founder of Black History Month in Southampton and the co-author of the book The Black History of Southampton – 16th Century to 21st Century – a significant reference book charting the presence of Black people in Southampton city for over 500 years.  


Celebrating Black History Month

This October we’re celebrating Black History Month – an opportunity for us to share, celebrate and understand the contribution that black people have made in the UK and around the world.  

Black History Month first started in the USA in 1926. It was founded by historian Carter G Woodson in response to the view that the Black Americans and others of African descent had made no significant contribution to human civilisation. It was first celebrated in the UK in 1987 and ever since, has focused on celebrating Black contributions in the UK and around the world, and increasing people’s understanding of Black History in general.   

Black History Month is a time for us to find ways we can take action together, to make change for the better – not just during Black History Month, but all year round. There are lots of ways for you to get involved – whether that’s by taking the time to further your own knowledge of black history, or by joining us for this month’s live event.  Keep a look out for more Black History Month stories on The Insider throughout October.  

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