Next month, Senior Manager of Guest Experience Planning and Change, Anna Goddard, is set to run this years London Marathon in support of P&O Cruises official charity partner Teenage Cancer Trust.

Read all about Anna’s story here…

I started working with Teenage Cancer Trust (TCT) in 2016 in my role as Partnership Manager at P&O Cruises.  Since that time, I have loved designing and organising events onboard the P&O Cruises fleet including the now famous Trek the Deck.  Over the last five years, I’ve had the opportunity to see the brilliant work the charity do supporting young people with cancer by providing specialist nursing staff, support workers and dedicated wards filled with things that teenagers love and P&O Cruises have contributed over half a million to support TCT costs through onboard fundraising.

However, since 2020, the fundraising has declined due to the global pandemic and the lay up of the P&O Cruises fleet but that has not stopped my fundraising efforts.  In the same year, I took up running as a way to get myself out of the house for my daily exercise and I have become addicted (who knew that would happen).  I ran my first half marathon in aid of the charity in the same year and I survived to run two further ones.

2022 is the big year, the year of my London Marathon and I would be really grateful for your support for myself and for Teenage Cancer Trust.  My target is £2,000 but any amount you can donate will help TCT support these young people.  Thanks again! 

Head over to Anna’s official fundraising page here for more on how to support this fantastic cause.

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