Earlier this year we highlighted the importance of speaking up and how doing so helps us to improve the way we do things. Closely linked to this is our commitment to Respect and Protect each other and build a more inclusive culture for everyone.

One of the reasons that we’re a great team, and this is an exciting place to work, is that we work with people from all over the world. For our fleet colleagues, our ships are not only a place of work, they’re also a home away from home. That’s why it’s really important that we all look out for each other as a family, and make sure that everyone feels valued and that they belong.

To help shape how we do things, we asked a group of colleagues to record a short video to tell us what inclusion means to them, and their vision of working within an inclusive team…

Over the coming months we’ll be sharing more about what we’re doing to make this vision a reality, so be sure to keep a look out.


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