Last weekend several members of the business attended our first volunteering event at our new charity partners home.

Sarah Earing, Chair of the CUK Charity Partnership Team was joined by several colleagues to represent Carnival UK at Monty’s Jubilee event on Friday 3 June at their humble base in Sholing, Southampton.

There was something for everyone; bouncy castles for children and adults alike, the ever so popular game of bingo, a raffle, tasty ice cream and delicious barbecue treats. 

Sarah Earing, Chair of the CUK Charity Partnership Team said;

I’m so pleased that I spent part of my Jubilee weekend, volunteering at Monty’s Jubilee Party. It was a fantastic event and lovely to see a community coming together to celebrate. Everyone was having fun, in a safe, family friendly environment, where everyone was welcome. The day really assured me of what an amazing charity and worthy cause Monty’s are. Josh Allen, founder of Monty’s Bike Hub social enterprise, his wife Polly, and the Monty’s team are truly inspirational people, and I wished that more of CUK could’ve been there, to see first-hand how important Monty’s Hub is to the community. This is a community in need, and Monty’s are truly helping to make a difference.

Monty’s and the Charity Partnership Team would like to say a huge thank you to our first CUK volunteers, who were a valuable addition to the days events.  Laura Phillips and Sue Kench  from our Procurement & Supply Chain Team acted as chief road wardens, ensuring the roads were safe for cyclists and Trigger the Train ride attraction. The talented Laura Robertson also from our Procurement & Supply Chain Team, worked incredibly hard, helping to run the popular face painting stall. Thanks to Laura, not a single child went without being transformed into a super hero or animal through the magic of fantastic face painting skills.

Take a look at some of the fun our fellow colleagues had here…

Our volunteers saw first hand how thrilled both Monty’s and their guests were from the success of the event. Hopefully a day that they will remember and the beginnings of a great partnership between Carnival UK and Monty’s.         

Want to find out more about Monty’s Community Hub visit or follow them on Facebook @montyscommunityhub

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