Today is St David’s Day and to mark the day, Welsh people around the world wear one or both of Wales’s national emblems – a daffodil and a leek. 

Who was St David?

St David – or Dewi Sant in Welsh – is the patron saint of Wales. Born on the south-west coast of Wales, near to where the city of St Davids is today, he is the only native-born patron saint of the countries of Britain and Ireland. It’s said that he lived for more than 100 years and died on 1 March 589.

It’s believed St David made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem where he became an archbishop and established a strict religious community in what is now St Davids in Pembrokeshire, West Wales.

Many people claimed that St David was able to perform miracles. One of the most famous stories is of him speaking to a large crowd. When someone in the crowd shouted: “We won’t be able to see or hear him.” the ground David stood on is said to have risen up so that he was standing on a hill, making it easier for everyone to see.

Three facts about St David…

1. His words live on

His last words to his followers before his death are thought to have been: “Be joyful, keep the faith and do the little things that you have heard and seen me do.” The phrase gwenwch y pethau bychain mewn bywyd – ‘Do the little things in life’ – is still a well-known phrase in Wales.

2. You can still visit the place it all started

It’s said that he went on a special religious journey to Jerusalem and brought back a stone with him. The stone now sits on an altar in St David’s Cathedral, which was built on the site of David’s original monastery.

3. He was a vegetarian

St David and his monks ploughed fields by hand and didn’t eat meat. It’s also believed that St David himself only ate leeks and drank water.

How to celebrate St. David’s Day …

Wear one or both of Wales’s national emblems: a leek (yep, you can get synthetic ones that are a little less whiffy) or a daffodil.

Celebrate with food: enjoy roast lamb, cawl (a lamb stew) with bread, Welsh Cakes and/or possibly bara brith (Welsh fruit bread). If you’re vegetarian, enjoy Welsh rarebit, then a Welsh Cake (also known as cacennau cri in the north, or picau ar y maen in the south).

Learn some basic Welsh language:

  • Bore da (Boh-reh dah) – Good morning
  • Prynhawn da (Prin-houn dah) – Good afternoon
  • Croeso I Gymru (Croy-so ee Gum-ree) – Welcome to Wales
  • Diolch (Dee-olch) – Thank you
  • Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus (dee-the goil De-wi ha-peece) – Happy St David’s Day

Do you celebrate St David’s Day? Tell us how in the comments below.

St David’s Day details as published on BBC Newsround

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