We had some great news in the Travel Agent space with our partners at Cruise.co.uk. at their conference last week – both P&O Cruises and Princess Cruises beat off the competition and were recognised in their 2021-22 Awards.

P&O Cruises

  • The UK’s Most Popular Cruise Line
  • Most Helpful Cruise Line
  • Best Booking System

Princess Cruises

  • Best mainstream cruise
  • ‘Best Account Manager’ for Gemma Withers

The awards were informed by frontline travel agent feedback and a January ’22 survey of (7k) their cruise guests and an NPS score. This is such a huge credit to the joint efforts across the Sales Team, Business Managers and Contact Centre Team.

P&O Cruises, VP Sales, Marketing and Brand, Robert Scott said: “It is fantastic to get this recognition from travel agents’ guests and frontline agents, especially given the challenges of the last few years. To receive ‘The Most Helpful Cruise Line” award is a real tribute to the commitment and professionalism of our business managers, sales support team and contact centre.”

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