To celebrate the return of international sailing and to drive brand awareness in anticipation of the launch of new ship “Halifax” next year, Cunard have re-started media advertising in the UK for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, with an evolved creative direction and video-on-demand advert titled “The Fine Line”.

An initial return to media campaign has been running throughout October and November on carefully selected catch-up and on-demand TV programmes across All 4, ITV Hub and Sky. This has been supported by press advertising in titles such as The Telegraph and The Times, as well as with social media and pay per click activity. The campaign will then return from 26 December until the end of February.

The Fine Line showcases the way Cunard pays precise attention to the details and finer things in life, demonstrating how a myriad of small differences delivered with attentive care are what make Cunard distinctive. In the advert we see the iconic Bellboy demonstrating Cunard’s White Star Service as he makes a series of small adjustments that in turn seamlessly link to guests elsewhere revelling in the bliss of uniquely Cunard moments. 

Watch the advert now

Queen Elizabeth set for 17 new international voyages

In addition, Cunard are delighted to announced 17 new international voyages for Queen Elizabeth. Between 20 February and 21 June 2022, she’ll visit 32 ports in 12 countries, spend time in beautiful Norway; island hop in Spain and Portugal; cruise through the Mediterranean; and finally transit the Panama Canal onwards to Alaska.

The new programme includes:

  • Six overnight port calls and three late evening departures.
  • Extended time in Tromso and Narvik offering the possibility of seeing the Northern Lights.
  • A call in Amsterdam providing the opportunity to explore the city’s UNESCO-listed canals by night.
  • Other highlight calls including Genoa, Ibiza, Manzanillo, Grand Turk and San Francisco, as well as the icier landscapes of Alaska’s Glacier Bay National Park and Hubbard Glacier.

“We’re thrilled to offer this exciting new Escapes Programme to guests who might long for a voyage that promises a sense of freedom, luxury and style. For cruise aficionados or those enjoying their first taste of the vibrant and inviting world of Queen Elizabeth, together with our renowned White Star Service, this programme has something for everyone.”

Simon Palethorpe, Cunard President

To find out more about Queen Elizabeth’s new voyages visit the Cunard website.

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