SSO EEG – Meet the team

 Fleet People Operations

Cara Ayres  – Fleet People Operations

I re-joined Carnival in February 2022 after a 3 year break. I work in the Fleet resourcing team and recruit our youth staff onboard. I love being back at CUK and this time I was determined to make a difference. Joining the EEG seemed like to perfect opportunity to drive positive change throughout the company. Outside of work, you’ll either find me on holiday, baking or chasing a tornado toddler.

Simon Grey – Fleet People Operations

I joined Carnival back in April ’22 as part of the Fleet People Data Team and I’ve really enjoyed my time with Carnival so far. I joined the EEG because I wanted to help give a voice to all of our SSO colleagues and see how we can improve our day to day. This is my first role in the “leisure industry” but hope that my experience outside of Carnival will help when looking at issues for the EEG. Outside of work I have an unhealthy obsession with trainers and enjoy a good live comedy show to unwind.


Contact Centre Operations

Kerina Young – CCO

As the Britannia Guest Support Representative in the Contact Centre, I work with both ship and shore side teams to address customer concerns and ensure they have the best experience possible whilst travelling with us. Since joining the company in March 2019, I have seen the passion that my colleagues have for their work and believe they are our greatest asset. As part of the EEG I want everyone to feel that their voice matters and we can all drive positive changes, making CUK an even better place to work. Outside of work I enjoy exploring new places both in the UK & abroad, spending time with family and cheering on my hometown American football team, the Seattle Seahawks.


Chloe Brazendale-White – CCO

Engagement is a part of my every day job role, so joining the EEG helps me make even more of a difference and drive positive changes. I work within the Contact Centre where my colleagues are the front line of the business. I know that we need to take care of each other and provide a safe environment to speak up! Outside of work, I enjoy reading and being a cat-mum


Gareth Thomas – CCO

I have worked for Carnival UK Contact Centre since January 2022 where I’m a Personal Cruise Advisor, on a homebased contract.As a member of the EEG, I am excited to experience and learn about the new ways of working for everyone and how we as an EEG can help with this and Speak Up on the Contact Centre’s behalf. I have a great passion in cruising and cannot wait to be back on board, visiting wonderful places again! Outside of work, I enjoy travelling, graphic design, socialising and spending quality time with my rescue dog.

Sarah Schranz – CCO

Hi everyone, I’m Sarah one of P&Os Team Leaders based permanently from home in Weston super Mare. With a background in management, cruise, travel and animal rescue (yes a bit random) I started my role in early 2022 and quickly realised how wonderful the company is to work for. The support from all areas of the business is quite special and it has been incredibly rewarding to understand the impact we all have and how important it is to play our part to always aim to improve what we can by honestly feeding back, listening and trying to make change for the better. I aim to be a voice within this amazing team that really does have everyone’s best interest at heart. 

Nicola Brothers – CCO

14 years of creating unforgettable holiday happiness… seems like only yesterday I started as a fresh faced 30-something. Having never worked in a call centre environment, it was quite a shock to the system but one I’m so glad I chose. My background was mainly retail and the licensing trade, so certain elements I bought with me, but overall a brand new challenge. Joining the EEG, I hope to share my passion and enthusiasm and make change happen.

Chantelle Barnard – CCO

I joined Carnival UK in November 2021 as Personal Cruise Advisor. I am a permanent home worker based in the North East of England, and although it may be virtually, I feel I have met some amazing, like-minded people. After six  months in Telephony, I decided I wanted to see more “behind the scenes” of the CCO and moved into Guest Support. I really love my role in GS and being part of such a diverse team. Recently, I joined the EEG as I feel passionate about Speaking Up and helping to identify areas for change and improvement. In the EEG, we are here to listen to our colleagues, support them through changes, and ultimately make a difference. Outside of work, I love to spend my weekends at the Northumberland coast with my one year old golden retriever, Winnie.



Newbuild and Hotel Refit

Kevin Cheung  – Newbuild and Hotel Refit

I work in the Newbuild & Hotel Refit department and my role is to look after the Financials for all Newbuilds, forecasting, tracking costs & bench-marking costs with other brands are a few examples. I enjoy working for Carnival and I’m in my 6th role i think over 11 years :). I enjoy playing sports and a bit of running (this has stopped due to rain and wind). I volunteered to join EEG to help improve work place environment and to contribute to making Carnival a great place to work.


Ruth Walton – Data Science

I’ve been working as a Data Scientist at Carnival since August 2019, so it goes without saying that I love anything to do with data and numbers. As well as data I really love working with and getting to know people and this is why I joined the EEG. I care a lot about making sure everyone’s voices are heard and that the work we do in the EEG reflects the huge diversity of thought and backgrounds that we have within SSO. Outside of work I can usually be found either walking in the hills around where I live or crocheting.


Lucy Gaskin

I joined Carnival UK in February 2022 to be a member of the CRM Insight Optimisation team; we strive to drive increased value from our CRM data, to optimise our guest communications and continually improve our guest’s CRM experience. I then volunteered to be a member of the Technology EEG to ensure that our technology teams can Speak Up freely without any bias and be that bridge of communication between the team and the SLT. If you have any feedback, ideas or would like to speak in confidence, please do not hesitate to reach out. Outside of work I enjoy playing Dungeons & Dragons, various video and board games, visiting the theatre, and getting out of escape rooms.

Tom Lovelock

I joined CUK in June 2019 as Senior Manager for Information Security & Risk supporting IT and the business to identify and manage risk when it comes to our use of technology. Recent years have highlighted to me the critical role communication and collaboration play in enabling us to get on with what we do best, particularly during times of change and uncertainty. I have volunteered for the EEG as I know we have an amazing team with great ideas, and I want to do my part in ensuring our team’s voice is heard and those great ideas are given the “airtime” to make a positive difference.




Joe Sutton

I’ve worked at Carnival UK since 2003, starting in the Contact Centre and then working on various technology improvement projects across different departments.  In 2012 I achieved my goal of joining the Technology team.  I’ve always felt that this is a company that values me and is a place I can grow, and I hope that being part of the EEG will help me be a part of ensuring this is true for everyone.  Outside of work, I’m a keen runner and I’m always happy to go running with others if that’s your thing.  I’m also a musician, mainly guitar and vocal, and enjoy making and recording music.

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