Recognising and rewarding our colleagues is so important – it helps our people feel motivated and valued and creates a positive place to work. Our fleet recognition programme recognises and rewards our colleagues who deliver exceptional service to our guests, as well as those who demonstrate excellent examples of supporting our Culture Essentials.

We caught up with our colleagues on board Queen Elizabeth to discover their recent award winning stars…

Kharen De La Pieza Melo, Security – Star of the month, White Star Service

“During Queen Elizabeth’s test cruise and first guest cruise, Kharen quickly realised that, due to wearing masks and visors at security podiums, verbal communication between embarking guests and podium operators could be difficult, especially for our elderly guests.

Kharen devised a system of hand signals to help our guests, speeding up the boarding process and improving it for everyone. She was thoughtful, charismatic and caring, reassuring our guests and helping them to embark with a smile on their faces!

Kharen’s system was such a success that all ships will now be advised to implement it prior to returning to service, empowering other team members with the skills to succeed in improving our guest’s embarkation experience.”

Burlie Fisher and Tadeusz Rybarczyk, Musicians – Stars of the month, Culture Essentials

“Our musicians have been assisting the entertainment team with additional duties in the theatre. During their first night supporting these duties, a guest collapsed outside the theatre.

Burlie was incredibly quick to respond, catching the guest as he fell, gently lowering him to the ground and providing his jacket as a pillow. Burlie stayed with the guest while I dialled 999 and Tadeusz came to help the guest’s distressed family, as well as respectfully directing other guests away from the theatre.

Both Burlie and Tadeusz respected and protected our guest and his family throughout, assisting nurse John and remaining on the scene to help the family members who were unable to accompany the gentlemen to the medical centre.

I couldn’t have asked for two better people to help during this emergency situation. Not only did they brilliantly demonstrate our Culture Essentials and exemplify themselves as HESS Heroes, but their White Star Service during this stressful situation also deserves high commendation.”

Congratulations Kharen, Burlie and Tadeusz! Thank you for all your hard work. We’ll be showcasing more of our shining stars from across the Cunard and P&O Cruises fleet over the coming weeks, so keep a look out.

Remember to recognise your colleagues!

Know someone who’s demonstrated an outstanding example of bringing our Culture Essentials to life, or delivered exceptional service for our guests? Show them some appreciation and nominate them for an award…

  • Fleet colleagues: Complete a nomination card and pop it in the nomination box on board. All ships can nominate for Culture Essentials now and ships with guests on board can also nominate for Cunard White Star Service and P&O Cruises SHINE.
  • Shoreside colleagues: Click here to make your Culture Essentials Awards nominations.


Don’t forget both fleet and shoreside colleagues can nominate each other too!

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