To celebrate National Inclusion Week we asked “What does belonging mean to you?”. The thing/s that make us feel valued and that we belong are unique to each of us. That’s why we asked colleagues to share what belonging means to them in whatever way they liked; a poem, photograph, drawing, song, dance, video, sculpture etc… However colleagues wanted to express themselves, we wanted to see it!

We were sent drawings and poems from some very talented colleagues at Carnival UK and received some fabulous photos that clearly meant a lot to the people who shared them. The judges, members of our employee networks, had a difficult task deciding who to choose, but there can only be one winner for shore and one winner for ship!

Our fleet winner is…

Marlon Umali, Queen Mary 2

“We are all on a paper boat.”


The judges said: “Shows such a wide variety of roles and people all in it together… It represents fleet life … We should look for opportunities to use the picture onboard! …. Marlon should be very proud.” 

Our shore winner is…

Clarissa Andrews, Personal Cruise Advisor

“This is the first video that came to mind when I saw the competition advertised as we specifically booked this afternoon at Rye Jazz festival because we all needed time together dancing and spreading good vibes. My husband is in the yellow hat and my three daughters next to him. I’m not in the video but here’s my photo with the most awesome diva Mica Paris!”

The judges said: “[This video] demonstrates togetherness … community … [and]shows diversity … [This event] made them feel like they belonged … showing they were being themselves …having fun and dancing like no-one is watching”

Congratulations Marlon and Clarissa! 

All our entries were amazing so we’re sharing them below for everyone to see. Thanks to all of you that took time to share what belonging means to you. 

Lipson Dias, Hotel Assistant 

Kasia Waters, HR Consultant

Romeo Postolache, 3rd Engineer

Karen Price, Manager, Inclusion and Engagement

“I felt a real sense of belonging when taking part in the Princes Trust Palace 2 Palace cycling challenge with my work colleagues. It’s something I never thought I’d do but achieved it as part of a really supportive team, where we were all accepted and encouraged, no matter our level (or lack of!) individual cycling ability and fitness. I really felt that I belonged – we were there for each other in the build up to the event, supporting each other through our individual challenges, and then cheering each other on in the challenge itself. And we got to raise money for a fantastic cause at the same time!”

Denise Angela B.Eusebio, Housekeeping, Azura

Ross Bridger, Employee Communications Senior Manager

“Belonging to me is about being part of something that is bigger than you as an individual. Bringing together diversity of thinking and skills to achieve something meaningful together – whether that be a win or helping to ensure everyone at CUK feels part of the journey through our communications.”

Amal Rai, Security Supervisor, Arcadia

Matt Jackman, Senior Designer

“Belonging to me is my team. Ever since Covid began we’ve had a daily zoom team meeting. Mostly work, there’s also a lot of fun chat. We now know each other really well! We’re still making sure that we check in on zoom daily even though most us of will be in the office – hybrid working at its best!”  

Jan Maverick Delos Santos, Housekeeping 

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year”

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