Today Cunard has announced that a series of new itineraries, sailing on Queen Elizabeth between February and May 2022, will go on sale in November. All sailings will depart from Southampton and will include a voyage in search of the Northern Lights, journeys to the Canary Islands and the Western Mediterranean as well as a grand voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, through the Panama Canal and on to Vancouver, Canada.

While we’re delighted that Queen Elizabeth has now returned to sailing in international waters and that Queen Mary 2 will be welcoming guests back on board from next month, there’s still a lot of uncertainty ahead.

We continue to work very closely with authorities in all the destinations we visit to ensure we comply with local health and entry requirements. Unfortunately, based on the most recent advice we’ve received, and given the complexities of many of the international destinations involved, we’re unable to run Queen Elizabeth’s scheduled programme and are cancelling all departures from 20 February to 17 May 2022 inclusive.

Cunard President Simon Palethorpe says,

“We hope our guests will be inspired to find a little adventure with these new itineraries. In a single short programme, they offer fantastic variety from the opportunity to experience the wondrous Northern Lights, to sun kissed Mediterranean shores, to a transit of the Panama Canal.”

Thank you as always to everyone supporting shoreside and our incredible crew – those in quarantine, everyone who is keeping our ships in working order and ready to return to service, and colleagues already creating unforgettable holiday happiness for our guests.

Through your hard work Queen Elizabeth’s voyages have been a huge success and we’re confident Queen Mary 2 will also return to service stronger and better than ever before.

There’s currently no news to share about any changes to P&O Cruises ongoing restart plan but we’ll keep you updated should there be any developments.

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