We’re committed to a positive and just corporate culture, based on inclusion and the power of diversity. In 2020, we launched our Culture Essentials. These describe the behaviourial expectations we have for all our people and that will, when consistently brought to life, create greater diversity, equity and inclusion throughout our organisation, ensuring everyone feels that they belong.

We approach inclusion holistically, recognising that no-one is defined by one element of their identity alone. That’s why the DE&I changes we’ve already made at Carnival UK are wide and varied. Just a few examples are:

The opportunity for everyone to speak up through our Culture Essentials in Practice sessions.

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However, we won’t stop there. We’re progressing our collection and use of data to highlight unintentional barriers or outcomes in our employee experience to ensure targeted action, we are improving our DE&I learning materials, providing inclusion training for hiring managers and, as well as other initiatives, we’re focusing on ensuring hybrid working is inclusive for all.

Spotlight on Inclusion in a hybrid world.

Covid-19 had a profound impact on our business and since the pandemic began, we’ve asked you to be open about your working environment and challenges and to trial different ways of working.

As we move forward and return to operations, we’re holding on to those aspects of remote working that have supported inclusion, through championing a flexible, hybrid working approach. The recovery of our business and our future success depends on our ability to create the right environment for you; our people. We’re striving for a culture of trust, openness and care, where our Culture Essentials naturally infuse everything we do and we’ll continue to use them to guide us on our path to greater diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging at Carnival UK. 

To do this well, we need your input.  Please do work with us, through your EEG and line manager, to help us understand how we can make hybrid working a success and ensure everyone feels that they belong. #UnitedForInclusion

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